Employers: Register Today

It takes just a few minutes to get started. No employer fees, easy to facilitate. Get started today or access support resources.

Additional Resources at Your Fingertips

Materials for Employers Materials for Savers

Program Resources

Employer Overview

This printable reference outlines the program, benefits for employees, and registration timelines.

Eligibility and Rollout

This printable reference outlines employer eligibility, registration timeline, and what it means to facilitate Illinois Secure Choice.

Communication to Your Employees

Use this templated communication to let your employees know that your company is facilitating Illinois Secure Choice.

Account Setup Resources

Eligibility and Registration

Eligible businesses must register their company with Illinois Secure Choice by mandated deadlines.

Adding Employee Information

Employee Information must be added within 30 days of registering your company and each time you add new employees to your organization.

Set-up Deductions

Ensure that the payroll deduction line item is in your payroll system and review the contribution amount your employee has selected.

Submitting Contributions

Send employee payroll deductions to Illinois Secure Choice so that the amount can be applied to their retirement savings account. You will complete this step each pay period.

Connecting Your Payroll

Many employers rely on payroll vendors or payroll software to help them with their company activities.

Adding an Administrator

Members of your operations team - such as an Office Manager, HR manager, Payroll Specialist or Bookkeeper- can be added to the Employer Portal to assist you with managing Illinois Secure Choice.