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Materials for Payroll Providers

Sending files to Illinois Secure Choice

There are several ways that authorized payroll providers can submit employee information to Illinois Secure Choice on behalf of their client.


Provider System Integration

Payroll providers can transmit employee roster and payroll data easily and securely between the vendor’s software and Illinois Secure Choice through API system integration.


Provider Account Access

Payroll Providers who do not currently offer a system integration may require log-in access to the employer’s Illinois Secure Choice account to manually upload files or update employee records.


Provider FTP Access

Payroll Providers who do not currently offer a system integration may upload files via FTP connection.



The payroll provider needs access to the employer portal to view employees’ contribution rates and upload the employee (payroll) file through the employer portal… The payroll representative should be added to the client account with full web access
The employer (client) will be providing the payroll provider with updated employee contribution rates prior to each pay date so the payroll provider can upload the employee (payroll) file through the employer portal. The payroll representative should be added to the client account with limited web access

In either case, once the payroll representative is added, the representative will receive an access code to enter the portal at employer.ilsecurechoice.com. Once inside the portal, the provider will be prompted to manually enter information or upload a file.

Here are the accepted file types:





A CSV (comma-separated values) file that can be created from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


A simple file format that eliminates the combination (concatenation) of fields and offers some optional extra data fields such as status.


A simple file format that requires adding together (concatenating) fields such as first name and last name so they appear together. An example of this is Smith, John in one field rather than two separate fields.





A CSV (comma-separated values) file that can be created from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


A simple file format that eliminates the combination (concatenation) of fields and offers some optional extra data fields such as status.


A simple file format that requires adding together (concatenating) fields such as first name and last name so they appear together. An example of this is Smith, John in one field rather than two separate fields.

Have questions? Contact Us:

For additional assistance, you can contact us via email at pps@ascensus.com or (855) 650 – 6913, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. CT


If you are sending an email, format the subject line as: Illinois Secure Choice / Your Company Name / Payroll Provider Inquiry

In the body of the email, include a detailed description of your issue or question, your phone number, and the best time to reach you to respond to your inquiry.